Monday, January 01, 2007

The times they are a changing.

Well, just like the build up to that hurried kiss behind the school shed in Year Six, all the excitement has come to something which is less than life changing. The camera men told me that my poor little photo box needed parts from the US, which would take a week to arrive. So still no photos... a fact about which I am somewhat miffed.

Anyhow, one needs to pull one´s self up by the boatstraps and soldier on. Less than ten days till lift off to North America, which I have come to terms with and am ready for. And for some strange reason I am very much looking forward to getting behind the wheel of a car. Mexico will not know what hit it. I am going to refrain from wearing kilts though.

New Years was spent on a bus. Party on! But regardless of my own lameness, I take the opportunity to wish you all a happy new year and the best of luck for the coming months.

Rock and Roll well into 2007



Diana M. N. R. said...

ahora estarás más lejos!!!
feliz año!

Anonymous said...

OK Paddy what does "paises" and "cuidades " mean. Babel fish has let me down.
