Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Island of the Damned... or should that be dumb - Chiloe.

Well, I am on the road ahead, now in the south of Chile, which I have previously visited briefly during my theatre antics. But that was not enough for me, so I am here again, rollacking around the quite lovely island of Chiloe.

And it is quite lovely. Reminds me a lot of the west coast of Ireland, except with less Irish people, and a population with the inability to speak at more than 2 words every 45 seconds. In fact, on first arriving on the Punt over here, I was a bit disallusioned with the whole place. (Although the concept of a punt can still manage to excite me. What is it with boys and unconventional forms of transport,?I could be travelling to Hell itself, but as long as have to take a tricycle to get there, I´m in.) It seemed that there was just not much doing, very basic facilities and everything out of season. It didn´t help that the people around town seemed like they would lose a battle of wits with a stuffed iguana. I was a bit grumpy with it all, really. My sister thinks it is because it is time to go back to work, but surely things are not that drastic!

It turns out that it was just the town that was crap. An bit of advice from someone in the know. Don´t go to Ancud. It is like Ulladulla, but without the Land of Indoor Fun.

I am now in Castro, which despite (or maybe because of) being named after a ailing communist dictator, is very nice. Nice market, lovely port, lovely people and a national park near by which has pengers! (Penguins.... d´uh!). All this makes for a much happier Paddy. Which I am sure you are all relieved to know.

Rock and Roll.


Dar she blows!

Originally uploaded by paddydaley.

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

She´s in there somewhere.

PMD2 073
Originally uploaded by paddydaley.


There are two types of people in the world. There are clueless and misguided types known as Shakira virgins and then... well, then there are people like me.

Yes, my boyhood dream of seeing the Diva in person has, finally, come to pass. (Please note that as it is a proven fact that men mature more slowly than women, I am extending my boyhood to the age of 23. For those of you who knew me last year, I don´t think that this is too much of a stretch)

It was a night to remember. It had everything: belly dancing, fireworks, incredible costuming and a stadium full of screaming devotees. I was all decked out in my bandana, had bought a T shirt or two and even some badges. Perhaps sadly, I let reason prevail, and did not buy a Shakira themed pillow. Just think of all those ´Guess who I am sleeping with?´quips I could have made. I made that sacrifice for you people! For you!!!!

All the hits were played. Not only did we have ´Whenever, Whereever´and ´Hips don´t lie´ but also ´Ojos asi´, ´Si te vas´, ´Ciega Sorda Muda´and (a personal fave) ´Buscando un poco de amor´. By the end of the evening, my throat was more than a bit sore, and poor Lorena was more than embarressed enough for the both of us - given my seeming unwillingness to limit my conduct.

But yes, I a pretty sure that it is an event that will not come to repeat itself within this life-time. And if it was not quite the religious experience that I have made it out to be- it was more than a very big ball of fun - somewhat akin to a gobstopper with a latin feel. And I will continue to be the huge Shakira fan that you all know and love. Well that you all know, at least. Because after all, Shakira really does...

Rock and Roll


Thursday, November 23, 2006

It´s Shaktastic!!!!!!!

PMD2 023
Originally uploaded by paddydaley.

Full details to come!

Rock and Roll.


Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Monday, November 20, 2006


Originally uploaded by paddydaley.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

Counting down...

Well as I may have mentioned in my previous entry I am now back in Santiago. Site of my forthcoming date with destiny in the form of that dimuniutive Columbian/French/Lebanese/Pakastini-for-all-I-know nymphette Shakira. And I am ready.

I am currently in the midst of creating my ´Shakira, I want to have your babies´banner and have already run out of glitter. But yes, that will that particular event of the century will happen next Wednesday evening.

Aside from that, it feels pretty good to be back in Santiago. I like the city, despite its flaws, and there are a lot of good people around who I am lucky enough to call friend. I am staying with the lovely Sergio and shared a wonderful family birthday party with the equally lovely Lorena. It was good to be in a family environment again, with a few kids running around the place and a very tasty lasagne and potato pie.

Might visit a few musuems in the next few days, and I am off to the theatre tonight. But aside from that, I am very much enjoying wandering round a city that almost feels like home.

Rock and Roll.


Lorena´s niece.

Originally uploaded by paddydaley.

Mi amiga Lorena.

Originally uploaded by paddydaley.

Saturday, November 11, 2006

It has been a while since the last... Self Portrait.

Originally uploaded by paddydaley.

Full Circle.

Well, it has been a little while since my last entry, and I have moved a fair way, physically, mentally and of course spiritually. As I write this missive, it is midnight Saturday and I am in the very leafy Argentine border town of Mendonza.

Hold on, I hear you all say, Paddy, did you say Saturday night? Why are you not out on the town, touring the local hotspots, wowing the local women and generally being the well dressed stud that we all know you to be?

Well, I would like to think of some excuse, but the truth is I am just tired. Came down on a bus today, from the equally lovely town of Salta in the north of Argentina. This place is lovely but should be famous for nothing other than its empanadas! Oh dear god, these things are incredible, it is like there is a party in your mouth and the Queen has just slapped Elvis with a smoked trout, while the Beatles are facing off with the the editorial team from Press Gang in a match of Curling. Suffice to say, the empanananananadas are truly fantastic, but I think the best thing is that they know how to do cheese here. Bolivia and Peru were lovely but their dairy products on the whole, were tasteless, soft and came in tins.

The meat is equally as incredible, and it does not seem to be uncommon here to order a whole cow delivered to your table. It really is quite juicy, tender and all round tasty. Truth is the food is the thing that has impressed me most about Argentina. Not that Peru and Bolivia were bad, just that, they were not... great Here in Argentina it is just a different world of quality and quantity. I love it, it makes me happy, it gives me faith in... stuff. Argentina feels just like Europe except that everything is pleasently cheap. (I have the economic crisis of the late 90's to thank for that, so maybe I should be a bit more sensitive)

But yes, I have, at some time in this blog entry, attempt to make the title relevant to the babble within it. You see, the thing is, tomorrow, I go back to Santiago Chile, where this journey began. And I must say that I am quite looking forward to it. Aside from the obvious excitement of the Shakira concert, it will be nice to catch up with old friends. I also get to attend a birthday party in the next few days which is always fun.

It does mean however, that the Sth American stage of this epic journey is fast drawing to its close. While I am sure that Mexico and Canada will be equally exciting, it does fill me with asense of sadness. But hey, there is still just on two months to enjoy the spacious surrounds of this, the other great Southern Continent. So stayed tuned, as I keep on peddling.

Rock and Roll.


It´s a usual 11 am in South America...

Originally uploaded by paddydaley.

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Saturday, November 04, 2006

I need some SUSTENANCE

Good Morning to one and all.

Now that some of us are starting to enter the oh so lovely world of corporate work, I feel that there is something that I should draw your attention to. Because you know, that while law/accounting/marketing/public relations can be a riot, sometimes the best part of day is LUNCH.

With this in mind I would like to plug a great idea that my eldest sister Annie has turned into reality. It is called SUSTENANCE. Basically it is a service that allows you to have your lunch costs packaged into your salary. Using an exemption in the FRINGE BENEFIT TAX rules - your employer can supply Salary sacrificed Delivered Lunches at a very substantial saving. And the food is really good too! Trust me, I have had many an opportunity to test the wares in the development process, and everything is very tasty.

So have a look at the following sites for more information.

Sustenance Delivered

Review of Sustenance by CSI Renumeration (Look at pg 2 of the Spring Newsletter 2006.

And bug your employer to get SUSTENANCE into your workplace.

Rock and Roll


Thursday, November 02, 2006

Well, I´m freaked...

Originally uploaded by paddydaley.

I live for my Art...

Well, not really... but hey it sounds impressive. Doesn't it? C'mon help me out here people. (Actually, closer to the truth would be I live for randomly spaced intakes of sugar but that doesn't really fill me with happiness and/or joy)

Actually, in spite of a supersized bucket Ă³ gunk full of No-talent, my abilities in the world of painting are actually, albeit veeeeeery slowly, improving. (Do you like the spanish flavour on that o?) I am still however, not showing anything that I may or may not have produced to any of you anytime soon.

This is despite the fact that my professer and bestest buddy of the moment neglected to turn up today. BASTARD!!!! Well, no not really, as it is a bit of a bit festival roundabouts these parts today... the other side of Halloween, where they all go and have massive parties in front of the graves of dead relatives. Seems a bit more family orientated than our less ancestrally focused selves. Although a bit morbid. They even bring old Aunt Agatha´s favourite dish, which knowing some of my relatives could be anything from a sushi boat to lambs brains.

Which now that I think of it sort of fits in with the Halloween link... BRAIIIIIIIINS! BRAIIIIIIIINS!

Rock and Roll
