Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Going downhill fast...

Well... life continues as normal. I am a bit older, a bit wiser and a bit warmer.

I have been to Whistler and discovered that skiing is much like riding a bike. And I don't just mean that you don't forget how to do either, I mean also that you need a certain level of co-ordination to avoid falling into large bodies of water. A degree of co-ordination, that I, sadly, do not possess. Skiing is also a bit like sado-massacism (so they tell me, so they tell me...), in that you are going through intense levels of pain in order to receive that rush of oh so passing pleasure. Trying to get out of bed the next day was a bit like trying to rub your nose with your inner thigh - difficult, fairly painful and somewhat pointless.

But, and this a big but people, I did cut a dashing figure on the snowy slopes, having gone in search of a pair of ski pants the previous day. As it is coming up to the end of the season here, I was cajooled into buying a wonderous pair of red, brown and yellow numbers worked over with a peacock feather pattern. I am going to take them clubbing next time... I am sure that the sheer garishness of the garments will leaves the local females standing like a proverbial deer in the headlights - or at the very least distract them from my hair (which at the moment is rather large - haircut is on the list, people. )

My birthday itself was rather good - talked to all the fam, and was blessed with many unexpected gifts. I tell you, my mother has an unsettlingly good idea of my taste in clothing. A night of Poker variants was had at the lovely Casa de la Jade, in which, despite a promising start, I quickly got bored and began to do stupid things, like betting more money than was actually in my posession. If anyone wants to take me on as a funds manager, give me a yell.

What else, what else. This week has seen a vist by the one, the only Ms. Ali and Ms. Anna (well, technically that is two people and therefore not the one and only, but you get the idea. Stop being so picky!). We have had a good weekend together consisting primarily of eating and drinking. So unlike us!

All else is well. Another Whistler trip this weekend to celebrate my nameday. I do so love the month of March.

Rock and Roll.


Tuesday, February 27, 2007

He's a working girl.

Hmm, yet again we have endured ( and I do not use the term lightly) a period of unprecendented silence from the mind of Paddy. I will not make excuses. I will not.

I could say that as I have finished travelling and have settled into the city of Vancouver, my relevations, thoughts and ponderings have, like the city itself, stagnated into a rain drenched funk.

I could say that I am still to successfully replace my camera (Damn Ebay and all its grandchildren)

I could say that the search for work, shelter and food has consumed my otherwise active mind - causing inexplicable feelings of guilt when I was focused on other, shall we say, more trivial matters.

I could say provide you with these reasons and more. But that would be lying. L-Y-I-N-G. And like that spandex clad pansy man before me, Superman, I am dedicated to truth, my own version of justice, and the banning of bow ties from all televised awards ceremonies. (White scarfs too - what is it with men of a certain age wanting to look like they have just shaved their shoulders and forgotten to remove the foam?)

As you may have gathered from the fact that I told you earlier in this entry, I am now in Vancouver working and living. I am working for some law firm or other, the name of which I am yet to remember, as a legal assistant. Yes I am a secretary - and while I find the mini skirts flattering to my bum, I just can't master this walking in heels thing. (ok - so clearly all secretaries are not female - it just wouldn't have been potentially funny if I had made a quip about having to wear a tie and suit). I like it, especially the fact that everyone tends to go home bang on 5pm regardless of whatever they happen to be doing at the time. The thunder of paperwork hitting desks and filing cabinents been slammed shut is as blissful as the news that Iemma and Debnam had inexplicably quit from politics, leaving the NSW election to be fought between Kerry O'Brian and a hamster named Boris.

I have found a lovely apartment with an equally lovely flatmate called Talia and have been quite successful in integrating myself into the Vancouver social scene. The only difficult thing I have found is adapting to the fact that I shiver constantly when walking from one place to another. It is not really that cold, just colder than normal. Thank whoever, that I am not further east, as they just have plain silly temperatures over that way and should clearly try much harder.

Hmm... not much else to tell, although on Jess's recommendation I shall go to see the aquarium with the otters that do cute little human things with their hands.

Oh and I turn 25 this Sunday....

Rock and Roll.


Monday, January 22, 2007

South of the Border.

Still no news on the camera front, although for the last 2 weeks I have had the sheer joy of having access to Ali's camera, which has allowed for a veritable festooning of new photo goodies to all sides of the World Wide Web. Have a look at my flickr site when and if the urge takes you.

But yes, we have been as 'baja' as one can be in Baja California. Well, not really as we only made it a bit more than half way down the pennisula, but I was talking about the Baja spirit!!! C'mon even a jived out square like you can surely remember what it was like to be young and funky. As I clearly am.

Seriously though, Baja Carlifornia has been great. Wonderful desert, very pretty bays and an endless horizon cannot help but make good road trip fare. It has however, and I do need to say this, been a little tinsy bit freezing. Oh yes, Mexico has not put on palm trees, beers with citrus tidbits escaping from every angle or bikinied Mexican lasses dallying on sandy shores. Rather we have been treated to single digit temperatures, snow in the higher altitudes and general all round 'Could you please give me a hand, because I believe your chiuaua is frozen to my left thigh' kind of discomfort.

Still it has been a good mid stop - nice mix of latin and north american culture... and 
I damn tootingly sure that it will be somewhat colder on my arrival in Canada, which
 happens in a few days now. In fact the  whole ambience has sometimes been more 
akin to a zoo in which to watch the cute and amazing behaviour of United States retirees in their natural habitat, than a real part of the
 Mexican nation. 

And in no way did we break the car. 

Rock and Roll 



Paddy feeling very Zen

AFP 217
Originally uploaded by paddydaley.

Just a really good shot.... San Ignacio

AFP 165
Originally uploaded by paddydaley.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Las despididas siempres son las cosas mas dificiles!

Bueno, esta es mi ultima entrada desde Sudamerica. Manaña, me voy... a Mexico, a Canada, a Europa, a Asia, a Dios sepa donde. Y por eso, pienso que sea adecuada hacer esta entrada en español. El hecho es que en mi corazon de corazones, soy de verdad una niña grande - me gustan gestos sentimentales y demonstraciones de emocion sin razon.

En las ultimas diez meses, he viajado por cinco paises, y cuidades sin contar. He conocido personas increibles, chistosas, differentes, que fueron y espero que sean siempre mis amigos. Me gustaria expresar mi agradecimiento a estas personas que han hecho esta viaje la experienca ha sido.

Asi, en este sentido - al fin y al cabo esta entrada es por estas personas. Es por Carla, por Sergio, por Diana, por Soledad, por Jorge, por Caris, por Yuri, por Pedro y Lydia, por Jhenifer, por Victor y Ines, por Alex, por Mayori, por Mireya, por Emma, por Henri y Juana, por Carlos y por esas mujeres que pelearon en el bus en Ecuador. Por Jessica (como va Harry Potter?) Por Claudia, por Sonia, por Lauren, por Alyse, por Ingo, por el hombre que me intentó robar en Potosi, por ese extraño Israeli a que le gusta sacar su camisa sobre rocas grandes. por Jesse y su disposicion de hablar constantamente de religion. Por Leidy y Maribel. Por Grupo Cinco. Por Lorena (Ompa Loompa!) y su familia.

Por Shakira. ( Es verdad, sus caderas no mienten)

Ojala que nuestros caminos encuentren otra vez en esta vida. Y por que no se como decir esta sentimiento en ninguna manera que sea mejor, a todos, recuerda, ahora y siempre....

Rock and Roll!!!!!!!!!!!!


Monday, January 01, 2007

The times they are a changing.

Well, just like the build up to that hurried kiss behind the school shed in Year Six, all the excitement has come to something which is less than life changing. The camera men told me that my poor little photo box needed parts from the US, which would take a week to arrive. So still no photos... a fact about which I am somewhat miffed.

Anyhow, one needs to pull one´s self up by the boatstraps and soldier on. Less than ten days till lift off to North America, which I have come to terms with and am ready for. And for some strange reason I am very much looking forward to getting behind the wheel of a car. Mexico will not know what hit it. I am going to refrain from wearing kilts though.

New Years was spent on a bus. Party on! But regardless of my own lameness, I take the opportunity to wish you all a happy new year and the best of luck for the coming months.

Rock and Roll well into 2007
