Thursday, May 11, 2006

The Emperor´s New Clothes.

Well they say that a change is as good as a holiday - and a change made whilst on a holiday?!? Phaw... let´s just say I needed a Bex and a good lie down after the slight revamp.

Tonight I move on to La Serena... I have no expectations, so I shall be as surprised as you. Assuming that you are easily suprised.

And do you know it is impossible to find a good coffee in this country? Oh how I yearn for the simple pleasures of a flat white... perhaps followed up by a tomato and cheese melt. A simple thrill, I know - but achieved without all that mucky business involved in jumping out of planes. But no, I asked for a cappucino the other day and was served a luke warm mixture of water and powdered milk smothered in 6 feet of aerated cream.

Sigh... what´s a poor boy to do.

Rock and Roll.



Natalie said...

Hi Paddy, Just thought I'd sympathise with your yearning for a flat white. They are also difficult to come by in London and your description of a cappucino sounds very similar to how they like to serve them in France. I mean really, what is the future of the world going to be like if you can't get a decent coffee anywhere :)
Great blog btw!

Anonymous said...

hei Paddy,great blog but....cappuccino,not eh eh

Anonymous said...

Interesting website with a lot of resources and detailed explanations.

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.

Anonymous said...

Very pretty design! Keep up the good work. Thanks.