Wednesday, May 17, 2006


As I am not feeling particularly witty today. (´Dear God, whatever shall we do without our regular dose of champagne blog comedy to stop our inevitable slide into the doldrums of a Paddy-less life´ is clearly the response that I am looking for here), I write only to give you a heads up as to my location and forthcoming plans.

I am in San Pedro de Atacama, which is described as the backpacker metropolis of Northern Chile. Hence English is spoken pretty much everywhere. This is not something I want. I am therefore investigating the purchase of a polearm with which to clock any person who throws anything resembling a G´day in my direction.

But the next few days will be tour filled with geysers, volcanos and other exploding things.

Also, you may have noticed that this blog has been attacked by a very complimentary webbot type thingy. Grr, %$&·?¿ (I love a keyboard with an upside down question mark.. look- ¿¿¿¿, too much fun). So anyway the upshot of this is that as an added security measure, you need to register to comment now. Comment people. Comment!!!!

Rock and Roll.


1 comment:

Jess (fushmush) said...

Hey Pad, there is a setting that you can turn on so that you have to type in a code when you comment. That stops a lot spambots from commenting.

Oh, and Hi! Glad to hear you're having a good time! Love ya!