Friday, April 21, 2006

This is the dawning of the Age of...

Aquarius apparently.

Well, that is what a bunch of naked hippies told me when I was about seven. And before you accuse my Ma and Pa of irresponsible parenting, you should know that I was a very mature pre-teen.

This fact always used to annoy me. If the Age of Aquarius began some time in the mid-seventies it means that the preceding couple of centuries was the Age of Pisces. I am a Pisces. I missed out on my own age by what? Only a couple of decades. Now I have to spend the rest of my life feeling like some kind of dirty squatter in the space of those airy fairy Aquarians. Can you understand the injustice of it?

But enough of that. The point is that this is the dawning of the age of disjointed blog entries. And that´s because nothing interesting enough for a whole entry has happened to me in the past week or so. So either you all begin praying that my life gets more bizarre or you get subjected to the inner workings of my mind. Your call.

Over the last week I also my first two games of chess since getting here. I lost both of them. This wouldn´t hurt so much except for the fact that the person I was playing was a 16 year old Swiss boy named Camil. 16? I have 8 more years of life experience than him. That is half of his life. I really need to have some concept of strategy.

My pride has being hurt. Don´t worry though. It will recover.

Rock and Roll.


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