Monday, April 03, 2006

Sure and steady does more than win the race.....

Apparently it is a great beauty tip as well.

Confused? I know I am. Let me explain.

It was a lazy Sunday morning. Having woken up in my very plush, 22nd floor apartment in the centre of Santiago, I wandered out into the kitchen and bent down to say hello to my lovely hosts Pedro and Lydia. (I tell you these people are the lost extras from the Wizard of Oz.... *We welcome you to Munchkin land*)

After a 40 minute conversation involving broken Spanish, sign language and the odd bit of semaphore, they finally managed to communicate to me that there were some lovely markets on every Sunday around the Plaza de Armas not far from where we were. Would I like to go with them? Damn tootin´!

A short walk later, we were there. And what markets they were! Old coins, furniture, paintings and books, everything a notorious hoarder like me could desire. I even managed to pick myself up a Judy Blume book in Spanish. (Those of you who I went to school with will remember the joys of ¨Forever¨) Generally a fantastic time was had by all.

But here is the thing, every second stall - and I mean every second stall had a massive picture of a snail plastered on every spare bit of space. What did it mean?

It only took a short intepretive dance with one stallkeeper for me to understand the answer. It was a health product. You see, that slimy gunky stuff that stops Mr Snail´s bum from getting grazed on the ashphalt, apparently it cures everything from leprosy to haliotosis. And it is huge over here. Everyone is into it. I think I am going to try it. Yeah, next time I crack my head open on some odd piece of furniture, there will be no hospital for me. Just a quick hunt around the garden and an afternoon with me wearing what I will assure people is just a rather odd hat.

Rock and Roll, people.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do think you could do with as many beauty products as you can find, especially those made from the more unattractive of the animal species. Perhaps to work on the wrinkles that you will inevitably develop from having such a large mouth. Seriously though I am really jealous that you are in SA without me. I'll be sure to skip the hellish trek to the top of the super scenic mountain in Santiago. Also let me know if you find any products derived from goats. I seriously hate those things.