Tuesday, February 27, 2007

He's a working girl.

Hmm, yet again we have endured ( and I do not use the term lightly) a period of unprecendented silence from the mind of Paddy. I will not make excuses. I will not.

I could say that as I have finished travelling and have settled into the city of Vancouver, my relevations, thoughts and ponderings have, like the city itself, stagnated into a rain drenched funk.

I could say that I am still to successfully replace my camera (Damn Ebay and all its grandchildren)

I could say that the search for work, shelter and food has consumed my otherwise active mind - causing inexplicable feelings of guilt when I was focused on other, shall we say, more trivial matters.

I could say provide you with these reasons and more. But that would be lying. L-Y-I-N-G. And like that spandex clad pansy man before me, Superman, I am dedicated to truth, my own version of justice, and the banning of bow ties from all televised awards ceremonies. (White scarfs too - what is it with men of a certain age wanting to look like they have just shaved their shoulders and forgotten to remove the foam?)

As you may have gathered from the fact that I told you earlier in this entry, I am now in Vancouver working and living. I am working for some law firm or other, the name of which I am yet to remember, as a legal assistant. Yes I am a secretary - and while I find the mini skirts flattering to my bum, I just can't master this walking in heels thing. (ok - so clearly all secretaries are not female - it just wouldn't have been potentially funny if I had made a quip about having to wear a tie and suit). I like it, especially the fact that everyone tends to go home bang on 5pm regardless of whatever they happen to be doing at the time. The thunder of paperwork hitting desks and filing cabinents been slammed shut is as blissful as the news that Iemma and Debnam had inexplicably quit from politics, leaving the NSW election to be fought between Kerry O'Brian and a hamster named Boris.

I have found a lovely apartment with an equally lovely flatmate called Talia and have been quite successful in integrating myself into the Vancouver social scene. The only difficult thing I have found is adapting to the fact that I shiver constantly when walking from one place to another. It is not really that cold, just colder than normal. Thank whoever, that I am not further east, as they just have plain silly temperatures over that way and should clearly try much harder.

Hmm... not much else to tell, although on Jess's recommendation I shall go to see the aquarium with the otters that do cute little human things with their hands.

Oh and I turn 25 this Sunday....

Rock and Roll.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

happy birthday mate