Thursday, November 02, 2006

I live for my Art...

Well, not really... but hey it sounds impressive. Doesn't it? C'mon help me out here people. (Actually, closer to the truth would be I live for randomly spaced intakes of sugar but that doesn't really fill me with happiness and/or joy)

Actually, in spite of a supersized bucket Ă³ gunk full of No-talent, my abilities in the world of painting are actually, albeit veeeeeery slowly, improving. (Do you like the spanish flavour on that o?) I am still however, not showing anything that I may or may not have produced to any of you anytime soon.

This is despite the fact that my professer and bestest buddy of the moment neglected to turn up today. BASTARD!!!! Well, no not really, as it is a bit of a bit festival roundabouts these parts today... the other side of Halloween, where they all go and have massive parties in front of the graves of dead relatives. Seems a bit more family orientated than our less ancestrally focused selves. Although a bit morbid. They even bring old Aunt Agatha´s favourite dish, which knowing some of my relatives could be anything from a sushi boat to lambs brains.

Which now that I think of it sort of fits in with the Halloween link... BRAIIIIIIIINS! BRAIIIIIIIINS!

Rock and Roll


1 comment:

Jess (fushmush) said...

a packet of timtams fills me with joy!

It's very handy when my happiness can be purchased for under $5 :D (just ask Andrew)