Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Lucky that my breasts are small and humble...

Well, small maybe.. humble- I think not. My left nipple in particular is very arrogant.

I have news. Of import. Of depth. North Korea may be destabilising the geopolitical climate through decisive action that is yet to be confirmed as anything other than a very bad case of wind... but this... this is BIG!

I am going to see Shakira! Live. In person. With her truthful hips and timid breasts.

You have no idea how excited I am. Really. Noooo idea.

In other news, I say farewell to Peru this week. Five months it has taken me to traverse this country to my satisfaction. And I still it saddens me to leave. But Bolivia beckons.

As does that Latin Goddess... who I will marry.

Rock and Roll.


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